Located in the heart of the Ruhr metropolis, the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is one of the youngest and largest universities in Germany. The courses range from the humanities and social sciences over economics and business studies all the way to the engineering sciences and natural sciences (including medicine). The university is also well established in the international scientific community.
This is reflected by the top positions the UDE has recently achieved in international rankings. In a global comparison of the performance of the best universities founded since the turn of the millennium, the UDE came in sixth. In a comparison of the best universities founded after the turn of the millennium, the UDE ranks sixth worldwide. In the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Ranking, the UDE is 16th among the top 400 international universities that are under 50 years old. The UDE is also well ahead when it comes to citations of scientific publications: It ranks sixth nationwide and 115th in the THE World University Ranking.