Unlocking the potential of industrial waste heat and its transformation into electricity via supercritical CO2 (sCO2) cycles
CO2OLHEAT is an EU’s H2020 funded project addressing energy efficiency challenge and decarbonisation of the European REIIs – Resource and Energy Intensive Industries. It focuses at their unused waste heat and its transformation into electricity in an efficient and cost-effective way. The cutting-edge sCO2 technologies will be employed to design and demonstrate the EU’s first-of-its kind sCO2 plant in a real industrial environment.
This pioneer power plant will generate completely clean energy while saving significant amounts of primary energy and thus also CO2 emissions.

Demonstration site
The CO2OLHEAT project will be demonstrated in a real industrial environment in CEMEX cement plant in Prachovice. This facility has a wide untapped waste heat potential, that is currently not exploited and it is rejected by means of water-cooling towers.
The project will introduce the concept of the circular economy and industrial symbiosis in waste heat management. The CO2OLHEAT 2MW power block will be able to cover approximately 10% of the plant’s electricity needs, translating into 750.000 € savings per year, thus allowing short payback period (estimated between 4 and 8 years).



Have a look at the scientific papers from Siemens Energy, Polimi, and Brunel University!
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17 doctoral candidates will be trained in 3-year programme in the sCO2 technology
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